For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .

''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007

Monday, June 18, 2012

the fourth section

The final section is now measured, pinned and tacked. There has been a small amount of embroidery.... mainly loops have been added along with a strip of Broderie Anglaise lace. There are French knots on a small section of this seam along with some running stitch and buttonhole lace. I don't have any firm plans for the rest, I will just pick it up and see how I feel at the time.
I am tired you ever get a day when you feel a little overwhelmed? Overwhelmed thinking about your to do list....I know that once I start It will be fine, it will fly but in the time immediately before that I get a little....not panicky.... more I capable kind of thing.
This will pass, I know it. I am wondering though where all that alone time went. In terms of time flying that wins hands down.


silk said...

Repeat after me, "I am not inadequate. I am capable of creating marvelous things." Although, it is consoling to know that even you have moments of self-doubt.

Jane said...

Think we all get like that from time to time, just had two days struggling to get anything done. You are far from inadequate, just look at those beautiful photos, stunning loops

deanna7trees said...

i just love that hexagon edge. and yes...i think we all have days of being so tired, mentally as well as physically, that we feel we are incapable of doing anything. those are the days when i sit down with my kindle and read a good book. there is always tomorrow.

ersimarina said...

Sometimes it takes me days to get down to work, feeling overwhelmed by the idea of it. When I finally do, the work gets done in no time. It can be maddening. As for inadequacy... allow yourself the right to be inadequate every now and then. Remember... you're human :)

The pictures in this entry are gorgeous, I am speechless (who would guess?) and I am eeeeager to start the Ledger course.

Suztats said...

We must not listen to our inner critic--she who spreads doubt and tells us lies. With each stitch we can silence her whispers. So keep stitching.......and creating beauty.....

Elizabeth said...

It gorgeous perfect to me, so let mrs perfectionisimo bite her tongue.

Rachel said...

I'm constantly intrigued and surprised by the way in which your pieces develop and grow. If you need a day off, take it - we all know that you'll be back soon!

Helena said...

Don't worry, it will pass.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I have a suggestion for you...the next time you start feeling inadequate, please take time to scroll back through your blog and just look at what you've done. There is certainly nothing inadequate in that body of work!!