For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .

''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007

Sunday, November 8, 2009

desperate times call for desperate measures.....

Right, I am now officially in full scale panic mode. Sauntering along I was, must have been because I seem to have been stitching forever and believe me I have no evidence of it. So today I emptied more stuff out of the shop, so much stuff that soon there will be no shop at all. I must say I feel a little bit better now, 6 brooches added to the pile and a few cushions. You wait though, there are pincushions still in there that will probably be kidnapped next! Well, it's my shop and I can empty it if I need to worry it will probably all have to be put back in there when I return. Then there is this, my blog. The time I spend doing this, what could I make? I did consider leaving this for a while, too busy, but I can't can I. If it wasn't for this blog Sparkle wouldn't be happening, this feeds just about everything I do, this is how people know who I am. So here I am rambling on again with my tiddly little bit of production for this week. Let me introduce you to another fragment. Answer a question for me, am I overdoing this fragment thing?? I only have four finished ones, yes honestly, only four yet I seem to have been doing them forever. I have another, (quite different) one damp stretching too but five fragments don't make for a two day and one evening fair do they. Do I sound like I'm moaning? I hope not because I'm not honest. I am just venting my frustration and seeking reassurance. So here it is, fragment number?????....

Making these puffs really made me happy they are so soft and squashy. I bet everyone wants to feel them, makes them dirty and renders them unsellable!! I shall have to practice my best cross and angry face! I am not putting anything behind cellophane at Sparkle. No bags or anything on the display. I know this is probably a risky thing to do but the work looks too commercial wrapped in plastic, I will have to risk it, I will have to be careful not to overdo the frosty cold stare though because it's certain to put people off and then I will wonder why nobody bought anything! (too scared of the horrible woman behind the table)

It's back to work in the morning wishing my life away and for wednesday to come quickly. I never get much done on work days, (creative wise that is) so it's a good job I have an unseen fragment to post later in the week. There are lists to make, tickets, stickers, canvas, fishing line, business cards...if you can think of anything else please share!
I am going to leave you with a link, call it gratuitous self promotion if you like but check out these amazing words about me, yes me, can't quite believe it myself either. x
Monday evening......thanks so much for the comments and e-mails about the touching problems etc. I'm sorry to say I probably won't have time to get back to you this week but I really appreciate them all and will eventually thank you personally I promise. I love the ''touching samples'' suggestion but fear I won't have time to make any. I am taking everything on board though, thanks so much I knew you wouldn't let me down. See you soon x


leilani said...

I would have a box of very inexpensive white gloves available on the counter so that people can handle your fragments and your other precious pieces. Lovers of textiles are very tactile people so be prepared and offer the gloves nicely so they can handle the goods.

No need at all for a ferocious look. Doubt that you could pull it off anyhow.

BTW -- the best of luck to you. Expect the best as you deserve it.

Jane said...

I can't believe you would ever be scary. I am sure you will have plenty, and if people want more, you can always take orders. Hope work is easier this week

Jacky said...

Good luck at Sparkle...your work you are creating for this event is wonderful. Such quality!
I love the fragment with the holes in cut out circles...all of them actually, but thats my favourite.
I like the sound of the white gloves if people want to handle (especially as you goodies are usually white and delicately stitched...which we LOVE).
Take care and have fun!

Jacky xox

Anonymous said...

Well deserved words indeed! I saw them the other day as I have that site on my bloglines. I was pleased for you.

I'd be worried about the touching with fingers too....I was wondering if you could have a special basket or bowl with a few designated items in it so that people could pick up, touch and squish those specific puffs or items - but leave the rest of the work alone....jsut a thought

méri said...

Those fragments are gorgeous, Karen!

Joei Rhode Island said...

Your fragments are wonderful bits of art. Not sure the glove thing would satisfy the tactile types...but it might be a help to sort out 'serious' shoppers. That is it would put off some from just picking things up absent-mindedly.
I, too, admire your work and always enjoy visiting your blog. Your work is magic.

Chrissie said...

I think changelingthings has got the right idea - a little bowl with 'please handle me' might distract people from touching the rest, and then you won't have to do the cross-face thing!

Ingrid said...

You deserve every amazing word that can be said!the fragments are wonderful,but they are not made to be handled,when people se them i think they will understand that.maybe if you pin them on something bigger,that can be handled, so they can still be picked up without touching the fragment?I wish you the best of luck!Ingrid


Good Day karen,

Your fragments are truly lovely. Best Wishes at Sparkle. The words are definitely well deserved.

I love buttons so I had a go at Dorset Buttons. Have you made any of these?? I post some pic of them on my blog. Hugs Judy

faunhaert said...

may haps you could put the bobbly bits
in clear candy jars with a couple on strings on the tops? they do remind me of candy.

put on a sample of a item
then leaving/putting the rest of them in cellophane envelopes shows, your customers you care to keep what they buy clean for them, and they find it an easier way to purchase their gifts they buy for others-

Its like when I've found folks are more likely to buy a watercolor painting that is already matted than one left alfresco.

In my experience, they are happier to buy something that is pretty & ready to go

I do love your bobbly bits and embroidery,
break a bobbin at your show!

bellsjo said...

Hello - this is the first time I have left a comment on your blog but wondered if you have thought of taking photos of your work to either hang up or put out as your work sells. That way if you find yourself with an empty stall people can still see what you make. your work is amazing. I really hope you have a sucessful two days!

Elizabeth said...

Tomorrow it is: WEDNESDAY!!!

Hope you will have the most delightful day.

Needles said...

Enjoy your day Karen. Beautiful things. As ever. You know how I feel about the fragments don't you? I love them. Its like history, bits and fragments forming an intriguing picture. We are compelled to look deeper into them to see more of the story.

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