For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .
''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007
What can I say Karen, this is stunning. Can't wait to find out more.
I am on the edge of my seat!
Unbelievably beautiful.
Agree about the silver rather than gold. It is beautiful.
Ooo tis truly beautiful, can't wait to find out more, but will be patient don't fancy being 'killed!' ;0
I prefer silver too, am not a gold person, well white gold is fine!
I'd better go and run about tidying up, if you're a-visiting places!! ;0
Oh so beautiful-a real summer flower garden palette. Lovely, lovely , lovely.
And I had better get some new biscuits in if you might come by visiting!
exquisite! (hope i spelled it really beautiful. you are a girl after my own heart...l-o-v-e silver. Can't wait to hear the news!
Always loved silver over gold. Guess most of your fans are too. Can't wait ...well, maybe on pain of see how this project turns out.
This is really beautiful Karen. I have never seen anything like it before and cant wait to see how this project turns out!
Jacky xox
You tease!!!!
The work looks exquisite - can't wait to see the finished thing and find out more about it. I agree the silver works beautifully with the colours. It has a wonderful blending tone.
Don't work too hard.
Hello Karen, I am in awe of your truly stunning and lovely embroidery. I can hardly wait to see what this maybe. Hugs Judy
I'm sure the photos don't do true justice. I do like the change...can't wait to see the completed piece.
I will coming around because it is just BEAUTIFUL111.
HI Karen- Just wanted to let you know that I picked one of your pieces to go with the Etsy article about me being an old-timer. It's over here:
Well, here I am Karen, no longer lurking... This is so beautiful (as ever!) The silver shapes make me think of sea shells. Looking forward to seeing what the finished article turns out to be!
PS Don't look too closely if you come visiting over here - all the electrical appliances are taking unofficial strike action.
I'm more of a gold girl myself, but maybe I should try and do more in silver? The effect of the colours you've used is beautiful and so effective.
Your art. unique work is Beautiful !!!
Best wishes,
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