In all seriousness I do need to employ a decorator but you know I am so fed up of the upheaval caused by the building that I want order for a while, even if it is undecorated, box filled order. I need quiet, no intrusion from strangers, peace to gather thoughts and make plans. If you could see my new room, and I daren't show you, it is blue in one half, the half that was my son's room, with football posters on the wall that wasn't disturbed, a football lampshade and a blue carpet. The other half is lilac, it was my daughters room, with a pretty beaded lampshade and a pale carpet. Down the middle I have the most glorious stripe of wooden floorboard where the wall used to be, and the ceiling, well I am sure you can imagine! The point is that although it is horrendous it is clean, I cleaned the dust and debris, and when a decorator gets in there it is going to mean mess, stripped paper, paint fumes and everything else unpleasant. So there it is, I can't face it, not at the moment anyway. I would much rather think of embroidery, have happy zero stressful thoughts.
Incase you are wondering aswel, my children haven't suddenly become roomless!! My daughter no longer lives here, (sob, sob) and my son has moved into our old room which we have transformed into a perfect bachelor pad for him. Infact it is so nice in there I am thinking of turfing him out and swapping back!!

Now back to the supposed point of this blog, boy have I rabbited on today, sorry! I wanted to show you this, this is the back of my latest work. I think it is really appealing, textural and I had to share.
And here is the front and the completion of this weeks work. Two cushions that I had so much fun making. One fastens with buttons and rouleau loops the other with a little foldover pocket that shows on the front as opposed to the back for no other reason than I like to be different. I have put both of these in the shop and would obviously be delighted if they sold if only so I had an excuse to make some more!! I get the feeling I will make some more anyway then I can put them in my gorgeous room when I eventually achieve gorgeousness in there!!

Well it's back to work on monday. I know some of you work in schools like me and you too are going back. Let's have some mutual empathy going on, I will definitely be thinking about all of you, only six and a half weeks to the Easter break so it will be a piece of cake! (I keep telling myself that) I have so much to do in these next 24 hours, things to make and photograph for midweek posting. Somehow I think it will be a struggle to get two posts in before next weekend but I am sure going to try.

Have a great weekend.x
So glad you have enjoyed your week off, it certainly has been very productive. I do like the cushions you have made. Though I love the buttons and loops, I think the foldover pocket one is my favourite
The cushions are amzing. Love them.
So glad you have the priorities right-hooks for lovely things, making lovely things. The cushions have captured a spring feel brilliantly.Love 'em.
Very pretty cushions,love the buttons and loops.
Do you teach textiles Karen?
the cushions are beautiful, Karen. Glad you enjoyed your week and you will enjoy the room when it is finished.
Those pillows are darling. The world seems a little more romantic because of them.
I've been a bit absent of late so I've been catching up with what you've been up to. I love these colours. They're so fresh and Spring inspired. Lookig at your work always fires me up to get on with my own. x
These make me think of spring and snow cones and other lovely things. How fresh and inviting ^_^
Hope your home is soon sorted out and you have a cozy nest to snuggle in!
These cushions are so truly gorgeous, Karen!
The mess and cleaning of the re-do must be exhausting, but no pain no gain, baby. You are going to have one spectacular space when all is said and done. And hoe very sweet of your Mum to have saved such a treasured textile!
What beautiful work you do. I loved the pic where you show the back of the work. It has a very mid-century abstraction feel to it and I could see it trimming the edge of one of my petticoted full skirts and being quite happy here in 1955. Amazing, wonderful work, keep it up!
How very beautiful! Love the colors and texture!
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