Holidays are nearly over........I still have so much I want to do. There hasn't been much going on 'house' wise except the hooks for my work are hung and my pieces are all hanging safely. ( got my priorities right don't you think?) If I get a bright day at the weekend I will try and take pictures of that if only to prove I have done something to begin sorting out the mess.
Last week I sold a piece of work to Sabrina in New York. Today the hearts for my shop had rocketed and I wondered what was going on, had I been on the front page in the middle of the night or something? Well no, check this out, I am so honoured to be complimented by a curator from the American Museum of Art and Design!! In fact I am in shock and am going for a lie down in a darkened room!
A very much deserved compliment too! The buttons are delightful, I really enjoy seeing the embroidery showing through the cut pieces, can't wait to see the end product at the weekend
Hear, hear-getting the rocognition you deserve. Those rewards will come..just keep on wanting them.
Tremendous - the buttons are gorgeous but then so is the rouleau (what's not to like in rouleau?) and the embroidery!
I love the colours and the flowers, the buttonns and the loops its so good to see your work progress and still be yours. Well done on the comment as well
You are truly talented...I'm so pleased I stmbled upon your blog...will follow avidly.
Your work is so beautiful it is good to see you getting this recognition.
Spring has sprung! So much beauty here! :-)
These are really beautiful. You do beautiful work, congratulations on your sale!
Congratulations Karen, and thanks so much for the advice, it was timely and fits in with where I feel I might go next.Don't want to seem like I'm contantly moaning but feedback is wonderful.
Well done again!
Your work is so amazing it SHOULD be talked about by a curator! I love the new piece - so happy! I'm so glad you're getting your name out there more - your work is truly one of a kind and it is truly beautiful. I hope you've recovered from your shock! I've just spent the last 20 minutes getting caught up - I can't believe it's been so long since I've stopped by! That needs to change! Well, happy Feb. to you! xo, Nan
Congratulations, you deservice to be showcased!!!
I love your new piece (the glimpses you are showing us that is). The rouleau loops look fantastic and those wonderful embroidered buttons. Will be back to check out the finished product.
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