For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .

''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007

Thursday, November 25, 2010

the best laid plans and all that....

Here I am unexpectedly on this day which I believe is thursday! Shouldn't have been here, should have been on the M6 (motorway that is) Ha!! don't bank on it. Due to a sudden and catastrophic failure with my car the disruptive circumstances of this week have themselves been disrupted. There has been no collecting of Swedish nieces and no delivering of said Swedish nieces to Grandmas house. Instead there has been embroidery, good yes but not really ideal when you let your family down and even if it's unavoidable and no ones fault it still leaves a little nagging of the beating yourself up kind. So cushion number three found itself in receipt of unexpected attention and is now finished, only two left to go.

Then number four became the focus and here is progress so far, yes, white again. You sick of it yet??? I'm not, sick of it that is. This house will never tire of white, never...

My posty brought me loveliness this week too, no pictures, just take my word for it. Gorgeous vintage linens from Jane and fabulous silk gauze from Diane. Thankyou so much both of you, they arrived at just the right time and ''proper'' lifted my mood. Next time I may show you some new labels I've had made. I will also try and show you pics from the show, if I get there, but don't hold your breath I remember they are not keen on cameras.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who live across that great big piece of water too!!


Lois Evensen said...

Thank you for the Thanksgiving greetings. We have turkey in the oven, cranberry sauce and all the other trimmings ready. Now all we need is the influx of numerous family members in a few hours. ;)

I always enjoy seeing your beautiful embroidery.


Elizabeth said...

Despite all the turmoil you made us some very, I mean VERY beautiful cushions. I hereby make you the queen of White!!!!

Have a lovely day despite everything.

Dolores said...

I don't think we'll ever tire of white either. Too bad about the car and picking up the niece. If it had been me, I think I would be a worry wort and fret the whole time. I don't think I'd be stitching - I'd probably be cleaning. Something physical.

Anonymous said...

At least the embroidery has benefited from the disruption!

sylviesgarden said...

Love, love, love the cushion!
Hope you get the car sorted soon, they can be a right pain!

Heartwideopen said...

I think number four is my favorite so far. I'm not sure why... I just said "Ah" when I saw it.
I hope you have a wonderful day! I have one eye out the window gauging the weather and wondering if the drive will be okay today. We got a bit of snow and may get a bit more this morning, but the problem is the solid sheets of ice underneath. It'll be a slippery slope to drive on!
Big HuGGs!

Jane said...

How annoying, but you made the most of a bad situation. I'm hoping for lots of snow tonight so I don't have to take the boys out tomorrow, lol.
There is never enough white, each one is different and these cushions give so much to enjoy

Unknown said...

I like cushion nr 3! My kind of thing.

Helena said...

I'm sorry that you can't be with your familly today. This work is one of the most beautifull you've done till now! I have not enough words for that!
Good and peaceful evening. Kisses from Portugal.

Tammie Lee said...

such gorgeous embroidery. wishing you days that work out better and an understanding family ;-}

Joei Rhode Island said...

Sorry about the car business. I love the way you take old lace and add to it. You've done it again, Karen.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

These are just gorgeous. Simple and Sweet! xx

Jacky said...

I will never tire of white either!!! Such beautiful, textural pieces make white so interesting.

Hope your car is feeling better.

Jacky xox

Magpie's Mumblings said...

At least you can console yourself with the fact that your day wasn't a total loss. Sorry about your sick car though.

Suztats said...

Your pillows are so beautiful! I never never get too much of your white stitching! I love it!

Sheeprustler said...

Isn't it funny, though, that out of chaos and disruption came such beautiful white work!

Amelia said...

delightful, delicious and yam! Sorry to hear about your car.

Been catching up.
