The playing wasn't wasted however. It has given me an idea for a little ''extra'' favour that I will share with you when it has been given to a special person. The piece I showed you on my last post has stirred some debate comment and e-mail wise. Thanks for all the input, mostly positive. I have decided though that I don't like it so it will be consigned to the sample drawer. Well it would be if I had one, I have a sample house instead, piles of stuff everywhere. Maybe I should tidy up, sort out, empty a drawer and pile the contents somewhere else to create a sample drawer and a new pile!
For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .
''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007
''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The playing wasn't wasted however. It has given me an idea for a little ''extra'' favour that I will share with you when it has been given to a special person. The piece I showed you on my last post has stirred some debate comment and e-mail wise. Thanks for all the input, mostly positive. I have decided though that I don't like it so it will be consigned to the sample drawer. Well it would be if I had one, I have a sample house instead, piles of stuff everywhere. Maybe I should tidy up, sort out, empty a drawer and pile the contents somewhere else to create a sample drawer and a new pile!
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Sounds familiar, moving a pile from place to another. Happens all the time here
hope you realize you are not alone. lots of us 'function' just the way you've described. i am much more creative when things aren't neatly arranged and put away.
You are so funny with your sample house. But I do like your new Swedisch fabric.
Shall we all get together and make Karen some name tags? Just so she doesn't forget her name?? Never mind, my friend, I'm befuddled too and I definitely feel like I'm in good company if you're in the same club. Love your thought that your whole house is a sample - makes me feel better about my 'stuff' - I'll just justify it all by saying that it's 'samples'!!
It is so much fun to read your blog. You're funny and you make beautiful things. Perhaps instead of befuddled, you're a little discombobulated? ;) It happens to all of us. I have a sample room that used to be the guest room, is now called the yarn room, sometimes called the sewing room, and always Mom's room of STUFF!
I just love the word discombobulate it sounds good and fits me so much...
and Hi Karen if you don't like the sampler from your last post...well why not a giveaway and I'm the winner??? just kidding but in fact i love it!!!
(no news yet, maybe during weekend...:)
you have changed the comment windows - I can't sign no more with my name and url (sigh)
Meri, I had to change the comment format as I was getting so many spam comments and Lois, I too love the word discombobulate, it's sounds much more intellectual than befuddled!!
You sound a bit like a headless chicken my dear! I hope that you are not taking on too much?
I love the little hexagons, beautiful colours.
You could always "donate" some of your samples to your biggest fan (ie. me!) hee hee.
Take care my lovely.
I must say and repeat that I LOVE very much your last work!!!
Did I understand cleary that you don't?!!!
This one is so delicate! I imagine it will be nice too.
oh.oh..looks like lots and lots of work!But you make wonderful don't push'll come allright!
Hey there my friend! Lord I love reading your musings! Well, you know very well that I get discomfuddled frequently. Too many irons on the fire sometimes. But you make me laugh and I feel better about it all! Love you hexies so much~ I still can't believe you don't like your last sample. Is the contrast too stark for you??? Anyway, have a good Wednesday...
Love and HuGGs!
;~) Debi
I have thought a lot about why I don't like the sample in the last post. I think it's because it is too ''opulent'' if you know what I mean. Nothing natural or domestic about it. I am driven by a love of domestic cloth, things our grandma would have made. Somehow I don't think that fits!! At least it shows that I can occasionally veer off track sometimes though.
Love the tiny hexagons and the pretty fabrics. If you keep posting hexagons I may have to start doing some too, they look addictive!
Karen - befuddled you may be, but you can still stitch a fine hexagon.
These are great, you always befuddled so dont worry. I love the hexagons and the other piece of fabric
It seems like you are in good, befuddled company, Karen.
If it's any consolation, I'm still trying to organise my house so that I know where all my embroidery is!
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