For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .

''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007

Friday, September 24, 2010


The very early stages of a gift to myself. Now don't hold your breath, these hexagons are tiny, 1 inch actually around 2.5cm. But I love them, they are so cute! Bearing in mind that I want a big, snuggly, beautiful throw bigger than a metre we may be here for some time!! I don't plan to do it all in hexagons infact in a minute I am going to put some white stuff together to go with these. I am thinking panels of different things all joined together. What do you reckon? The hexagons are just going to be randomly placed, no whoop de doo pattern or amazing calculations going on, just put them wherever and see what happens.

Today I had my hair cut and no....I didn't leave the house, she came here!! I don't know what it is but I absolutely can't abide having my hair cut, wierd? Maybe. Just another thing on the list that adds to my uniqueness I say!
Now I have a treat for you, sharing those moments that make a mother proud and a feeble one cry, (like me). My son the star was featured on the BBC last night. His band are called Searching for Seraphim and if you click here you can listen too. Just move the slider forward to 16minutes and 30 seconds and you can share around 3 minutes of my claim to fame! Now what's 3 minutes between friends?? He does speak, he learnt how to do that a while ago, his name is James and there is also one of their new songs for you to enjoy. Infact I order you to enjoy! Is that enough begging for one day?...........


Jane said...

What a proud mum you must be, hope all goes well next week.
These hexagons are tiny, I can't wait to see the final result, even if it takes some time

Rachel said...

Looking forward to seeing what else you do now...

Miriam Weaver said...

So you'll be off to a gig in Manchester then?

deanna7trees said...

how exciting. enjoyed listening. and, of course, looking forward to see where these hexagons find their place. nice that you are making it for yourself. you deserve it.

Jill said...

do you ever eat? sleep? Leave the house? I am always in awe at how much you do.
Listened to and enjoyed the band - good luck to them.

sylviesgarden said...

Crikey, they are great! They sound really professional and headlining at the Roadhouse is a huge achievement. They also interview well, confident but not cocky. I hope it all goes well for them.

You are not the only one that hates going to the hairdressers. I desperately need to get my hair cut but keep putting off. Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend and can't wait to see what you make for yourself. I love that pink.

Elizabeth said...

Now we already have somethings in common but just now I discovered a new peculiarty. (Is that an english words?)

Have a great weekend with your tiny hexagons proud mum!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations, proud mum :-) I LOVE having my hair cut. Is that a little metal hexagon template in the top photo? May I ask where you got it? I've been searching for such a thing for years!

jill said...

Love the fact you are doing something for yourself, and love the band. I set up my blog so I don't have to be anonymous anymore

Jackie said...

Congratulations to James.
Happy hexing.

Clair said...

Those little hexagons are very addictive....we've taken to calling them, sexy hexies!

Perpetua said...

I too hate having my haircut. I think it's all the idle chit chat. I wish I could just do it myself---I actually did that this past June and am still dealing with the repercussions---I don't recommend it!
Congrats on your son's new fame!

DK said...

They do interview very well. And they sound great! I'm also interested in the hex template what kind it is like Karen above said.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Finally got a few minutes to sit down and have a listen - you have every right to be proud!