For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .
''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007
No, silly LEAVE THE mess for your son to clean WHILE you're away!! (You need to come and visit and I'll give you a couple of 'evil mommy' lessons!!) Grin.
Have a wonderful trip. It sounds like all manner of exciting things are brewing for you. I look forward to hearing about your new projects!!
The whole shop/selling thing is such hard work. I think its hard to keep putting your work out there and I admire you greatly for doing it. I hope you next venture is one you can share with us. It would be sad not see you here. Have a good holiday
I will miss you terribly, I look forward to your dailyish posts. I am insanely jealous that you are going to Stockholm.
Can't wait to see what your new ventures will be.
You have a lovely time away and come back refreshed. I hope that whatever you have in the pipeline works out for you
Fully understand your disillusionment Karen, but why not just leave the shop open, even if you're not making specially for it any more? Some things need longer for the right person to happen across them, if they haven't sold yet it doesn't mean they won't.
a trip to a wonderful place always refreshes and brings new ideas.have a great time.look forward to hearing all kinds of tales upon your'll be missed.
Yep, have a super time away and I hope you come back feeling all optimistic and full of that 300%+ zing! xxx
Sounds like you need some time off, lassie!
And definitely leave Son to tidy up. He's grown now, or you wouldn't be leaving him, so he's grown enough to keep house!
Have a wonderful, refreshing holiday!
Love the cloth you are working on. Hope any changes are positive ones for you!
delurking to say I very much admire your work and I also completely understand the frustration of trying to sell in today's market. I'm in the same boat with my jewelry, I can't quite close up though, I have been out of work since last year with an injury and can't afford to, and there's just some desire to keep going with it.
Anyway, have a grand time in Stockholm! also jealous :)
If feel sad because if someone as talented as you can't get your store to thrive, with what is our society satisfied with. I'm glad to hear you have a plan B.
Hope you have great trip to Stockholm and enjoy yourself.
This piece you have photographed is spectacular! Then again all your work is. I think selling ones work is the toughest thing ever. I have several pieces of my work in a local gallery and it just sits... I can not understand either why the crap sells... Don't quit working though! It is good for the mind and soul. I just figure I am hearing and dancing to music that others don't hear... Your work belongs in an art museum with other priceless works of art!!!
I hope your trip clears your head. I can hardly wait until I can go and visit Stockholm...
change can be good, who knows?
Have a lovely break, hopefully you will return full of vim and vigour for your next project. I am so thankful I purchased a couple of your pieces before the shop closes. They are pieces made by a true artist.
The whole selling-online-thing is devilishly difficult, I know. I would love to go to Sweden. Sounds like you're ready for a break.
Hi Karen,
I can't wait to hear about your new ideas. I too (as you know) am always having new creative and business ideas and heading off on them full pelt. It's really interesting to hear your take on the shop, and trying not to take it personally when things don't shift. I think in the back of my mind this is one of the reasons I have never quite 'gone for it' with an etsy shop as I am a little concerned about what might (or might not) happen!
I wish you the best trip and loads of luck with new things :)
I'm sorry you've come to that decision because I think things will pick up for Christmas. (I hope)
Have a great time and as has been said, come back refreshed.
Stockholm look wonderful.
Now about that tidying..will he tidy for your return?
I'm sorry to hear you're closing up shop. I've been lusting after one of those books but I'm only paid once a month and with all the unexpected repairs that have come up lately, the lovely piece is not in the budget. I understand your choice though. Might be more productive elsewhere and you have to feel good about where you are at.
Have a WONDERFUL holiday! I haven't gotten to travel for a few years now and I miss it!
Hello my dear, I was just wondering how James' gig went?
Hope you are ok.
Much love x
I am sorry about your closing shop, Karen, as your work is so magnificent. However, I whole heartily support you following your heart and your instincts, and totally get the frustration of seeing crap fly off the shelves. (Something to consider... I've been hearing a lot about people selling on "Big Cartel"... apparently it is more favorable to artists. Maybe this is something you could try?) I hope you have a marvelous time vacationing in Stockholm, and that you come back refreshed and recharged. xo
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