For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .

''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Home again

Virgin Pendolino trains....what do you think? Very comfortable, very quick, almost perfect but have you been on one? If you have did you get travel sick? Maybe it wasn't the amazing tilting train I don't know but quesy isn't the word. Today I feel as if I am coming down with something, cold or flu or similar so maybe it was that. Almost as soon as I got home though I finished my large piece of text so I could damp stretch it. I always come home from the knitting and stitching show newly invigorated and desperate to embroider as it's so inspirational. The new graduates are fantstic and then you see someone who you assume is well established that you have never seen before. Their work is to die for, you buy something from them and then eagerly go on their blog to look at the zillions of comments they must surely get and no, they don't get many comments either. I am reassured by that, no comments doesn't equal no success, yay! I am only saying this because I have visited a few blogs recently where they get squillions of comments and it made me feel inferior, sorry but it did. Anyway I'm over it now, seriously, I am just grateful you visit at all especially as all I do is complain. Reading this back it seems to have turned into a bit of a ramble, no change there then! Back to business, I finished my text, went out for tea with my lovely hubby who said he had missed me, (probably had missed the moaning) came home, damp stretched my text and voila, here it is.

So the text is all cut up now, ready to be tacked to the little card hexagons, (lots and lots of them). For a little light relief, easy to pick up and put down I have also made some buttons. I can't decide wether these look like little jelly fish or tiny filo pastry cases...
I really need to do some serious making, finished things, prairie points, putting pincushions together, little bags, cushions, embroidered fragments and on and on. Being back to work in the morning has slowed that down a bit and also the fact that I don't feel 100% but fear not, wednesday evening is the start of six whole days off and I am determined to make good progress.

and look what I bought!!! There is approximately 500? metres of pure silk thread here, glorious, beautiful, white, off white, different thicknesses I can't wait to get started.
My daughter is well, It was lovely to see her. She has recently got the knitting bug so I had a great time buying knitting related things for her. She has never been interested in crafty things before despite being raised by me so I figure feed her interest while she is keen! And I came home to discover that my rolling down the hill in a huge ball son has had his left leg waxed for charity! He says on a scale of 1-10 the pain was 37! Maybe he was a stuntman in a former life, what do you think? Have a good week!x


Jane said...

Glad you enjoyed yourself with your daughter and I hope you don't come down with this cold, it's not very nice.

Lynne said...

Karen, I love and am in complete awe of your work and your output. I very seldom comment on blogs as I seem to feel the women who do comment are a little club who all know each other (nothing wrong with that!) just that I'm not sure how valuable a disembodied comment is to you!
I hope you continue to put yourself and your gorgeous work 'out there' to some profit, but don't burn yourself out! Your life seems very hectic.
I see your blogsite mentioned on several 'seriously good' sites, so being held in respect by the well-respected seems to me to hold more kudos than having loads of spurious comments by the Spurious Comment Brigade! Hang on in there!

Karen said...

thanks for this comment Lynne, it means a lot. I would have liked to have replied to you personally but can't seem to link back to you in any way. I value any comment, truly I do wether from one of my ''blogging friends'' or someone like yourself whom I have never ''met'' (in the cyber sense!), they are all important to me. Karen

Jackie said...

Well here's another comment for the heap. I loved the pendolino train. When i used to go to college in the early 70s you were lucky if you got to London in 4 hours.
I didn't find the K&S show as invigorating as I imagined.
But I enjoyed the day.

Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

Hello Karen,
I always find the textile art at K&S inspiring and it spurs me on to continue with my own work.
I always feel I should get back to my needle and thread when I visit you!
The silk white thread is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That text is beautiful. I don't know how you could bring yourself to cut it up! I didn't make it to Ally Pally, because I already have the cold - I was hoping to get inspired, buy 'stuff' I'd never seen before, visit with ArtVanGo and maybe see some art doll makers and their work in person - Ah well, there's always next year! I've seen your mentioned many times, it's how I found your blog, so don't spend too much time counting your comments!!!!

Gina said...

Glad that Ally Pally inspired you this year - I loved it too. Hope you're not going down with anything horrid. I'm always amazed at your output of embroidery - you seem to do so much.

Elizabeth said...

Glad your back with you beautiful work. You found some new artist who make beautiful work. Can you tell us who they are? I'm always interested in new places of inspiration.

Threadspider said...

I hope you are feeling better by now and haven't caught the cold.
I seriously wanted to go to the show-but didnt. Maybe next year.
The folded silk looks so luscious, I also cannot imagine cutting it up-but it also looks great when you do so. It is an awesome technique which is recognisably yours.
I have a a daughter who is just getting interested in knitting too. Snap. : )

leilani said...

I think I've told you before but it won't hurt to repeat it, your work is absolutely stunning! I think one of the things I so love about it is that it is very different from what everyone else is doing.

There is one particular artist who is very influential and it is interesting to see how so many mimic whatever current theme she is working on.

You are true to yourself. Very inspiring.

jennyflowerblue said...

Really glad you had fun, and that you were missed! Those reels of thread are gorgeous in themselves aren't they?

MarieE said...

I never get comments either, don't worry! I'm always popping over to see what you're working on, and it's always beautiful and you are inspiringly prolific.

qwerty said...

Love those buttons!! The text looks incredible - I'd be terrified to cut it up, LOL!! I was wondering if you have trouble with the stitching raveling when you cut up the text and how do you deal with it?

Gayle said...

It was fun to catch up with all of your posts. You've been busy! The buttons in this post are beautiful.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Hi Karen, Hope you're feeling better. And it's Wednesday so perhaps specially better! Pleased you had a lovely weekend in London. The silk thread is to die for! of course I would not make of it what you make! The text is delicious!

Jacky said...

Thanks for popping by...I LOVE your text...such time consuming work, but ooohhhh the finished piece will be so special.
Your new buttons are gorgeous...very light and airy looking.

Jacky xox

Chrissie said...

Lovely buttons! Sorry that I don't normally leave a comment when I visit - didn't want to intrude ....!

Needles said...

I hope you are feeling better soon Karen. Your daughter heard about Ravelry? If she didn't tell her to go there. Seriously.

And your son? Laughed out loud at that. Good thing my coffee was done.


Karen said...

Marie E and Leilani, I just wanted to say thanks for your comments. I couldn't find a way to link back to you.