but here it is as intended, with space between the two, definitely not. I think it could be the blue background which wouldn't be on the finished piece, or could it be that it now needs a tiny bit of colour, a connection? Confusion and indecision part one.....I really don't know.
Confusion and indecision part three....what do I make for Sparkle?? What do I send to Weston???
I think I need to make lists. I think I need to send something from the shop to Weston. I think I need to maybe make a new wrapping cloth, might kick start my brain.
I have been in the shop today to have a look at what to send. While I was there I relisted some samples and re photographed and re listed some bags, they can stay there whilst I empty out the other stuff. At Sparkle I badly want to ''shine'', excuse the pathetic play on words but it's London, you never know who might be looking! Plus it's over two days and an evening, how much stuff??? How do I make sure my stand doesn't look like a car boot sale??? how do I fill 3 panels???
No, the bedroom piece has to wait for calm to descend, organisation to happen.........
lower your head or those flying pigs might get you.
So many decisions. Sounds like you have everything under control. I am wondering however what would posses anyone to do a million french knots. I hate making them and my current project is requiring many. AHHHHH...
Despite the problems with Bill, the french knots look great. Love the way the lace just seems to immerge from the knots. I am sure you will be well prepared for both events. Your pieces will just talk for themselves
I love the french knots with the lace and I think it looks great against the other bedroom piece.
Thanks for sharing your lovely art. I've been spending several days looking closely at what you do and it's fascinating. You are an artist, not a crafter, and I am in love with the white on white french knots and intrigued by the process of creating your art. (I don't usually leave comments, so I hope this goes through.) ...Nora
Karen this is beautiful! I love the look of so many knots. I think you ought to recover from jet lag more often if this is what results! lol.
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I fixed the link to your blog.
Glad yto hear you are re-adjusting to the right bedtime- just in time to enjoy the daylight hours for some stitching!
Good Day, Karen,
Wow, I was on a holiday for two weeks and I have missed heaps of your news. Frist. I really enjoyed your Holiday pics to the Good Olde USA. Especially Yosemite NP. Did you find any great magazines to bring home????
I alway love looking at your creative projects. They are always truly beautiful. Darn I missed your giveaway. very sad face.
I am also celebrating my 3rd year of blogging and I have some pressies to giveaway too. Hugs Judy
Ok... looks very interesting just don't know how anyone could make so many french knots...I am amazed!
Looks very interesting!!!
Is that a piece of crochet ...???
This is so beautiful! I have never seen anything like it, but of course you know I am a total embroidery noob!
Oh my goodness, this has such lovely texture!!
I'm so glad I found your blog today. I'm getting serious about my fibre art and embroidery and my taste definitely leans towards the modern. I shall be looking through your older posts for inspiration :)
I love your sense of humor...flying pigs lol...Anyway, your new work is stunning and beautiful as usual. Whatever you decide will be beautiful for your room.
Hi Karen, I love the way the French knots and the lace work together, as though each is part of the other. Sounds like you have a lot to be thinking about... and yes, I'd probably put it on hold a while until I fely like I was more prepared for the other two events! Besides, you can still think and lots of ideas will probably come about how the two pieces will combine. I know it will look fab whatever you decide!
I think the french knots work really well beside the puffy edges - it's a scaled down vesion of it. I undersstand that you may want a bridging strip. How about some herringbone-esque stitching in varigated pink and green connecting the two? Too much? It's just a thought.
More details of Sparkle when you have them - I may have to pop by. x
Love this!
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