This is how my piece is progressing, as promised. I am using the work I showed you last time as a ''reveal'' behind cutwork on silk. I had in mind to maybe make bunting, lots of different triangles strung together. That idea is no more and now I am thinking just go with the flow. In my mind I picture several rectangular pieces, different sizes, joined somehow. This section, well the piece of silk, is around A4 size. The embroidery I showed last time is nearly all gone, cut up and put in here so I may have to make more before this first section is even finished. Guess what? It's not going to be finished any time soon!
Last post I got a comment from ''genial'' in Indonesia. I just wanted to say thanks and I have been on your blog and tried so hard to leave you a message but can't, no matter how hard I try, so sorry about that and I will say thankyou here.
Right I'm off, embroidery awaits, see you
Oh my! Just beautiful! Love your new work. I used to live in California and made frequent trips to San Francisco and spent time in Sausalito just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. (fun to drive across) The Wharf is fun to walk around and of course Ghiradelli chocolate and China town. Lots of shopping. Hope your trip is Funnnn! : )
I just love your cutwork hearts!
I was going to suggest you do a project for YOU to get your creative mojo back. I think a lot of people are finding business slow - it's been a bit of a theme lately on several of the blogs I visit.
Heck of a time to start a shop - what was I thinking!
Hi Karen,
Oh how fantastic to visit America.
I have never been.
I'm sure it will be very inspiring and do show us some of the magazines!
You can see in these pieces how much you love your stitching,beautiful.x
Love the hearts Karen...I'm looking forward to see how this turns out. You have sooooo much courage to make something so lovely then cut it up. WOW I don't know if I could do that!
Have a great time in The City (as us Californians call it)...I miss "home" son will be leaving Australia and returning to the Bay Area in about 2 months. Enjoy!
I love what you are doing Karen. I so look forward to reading your blog and see what you are doing. I have to say I used to sell my artwork years ago and I got so all I would do is make things that would sell and it was not what helped me grow. So now I am only making things for my enjoyment and I have never been happier with what I am creating. Now I may change my mind tomorrow but for now that is working for me. Hang in there and I hope you have a really nice time in San Francisco. I have only been there once and I loved it. Enjoy!!!
I got excited when I saw the first heart, and then the rest followed. This piece looks lovely and I can't wait to see how you do the edging
Your new work looks exciting! like everyone, I really like the hearts.
Hi Karen, I didn't read your previous post so didn't know until now that you've been feeling down in the dumps. So pleased to see now that you're feeling much better. Your work is always beautiful. Some of the photos move me physically, touching my heart. I agree with Connie - you put so much of yourself and your wonderful creativity, artistry and skill in these pieces and your style is so distinctively you. I think I would recognise a 'Karen Ruane' from 40 paces! I don't know what the answer is to slow sales, and I'm sure there's no harm in doing the odd smaller piece to attract sales, but it's so clear that you do this from the heart and with love. And it seems to me that when we use our talents and offer them up with integrity we stand more chance of attracting people to us and the products of our talents. I hope you see a shift in sales soon. Good luck. Re stats, mine are generally rising because my blog is fairly new, but there has been a drop this week - I hadn't thought to link it to holidays.
Hello Karen, Oh, Karen your Hearts Embroidery is soo very lovely. I love creating Hearts and yours are sooo special. Have a fantastic trip to San Franciso. I am sure you will love it there. Magazines are everywhere. Barnes and Noble, Borders, Powells are all huge Book Sellers with heaps of Magazines. Hugs Judy
So pleased you are feeling a little lighter in spirit. Looking forward to your trip has got to help!?
Karen, have a marvelous vacation.
I haven't been by lately either. Perhaps it is a bit of summer funk, but visitors and general business too. I haven't been by for a shile and I must get back to stopping regularly. There is just so much to see here.
I heartily echo what some of your other posters have said. Do what makes you grow as an artist, what fills your heart with joy.
I went to Barnes and Noble - HUGE bookstore with a whole section dedicated to craft books - I shouldn't have told you about the books should I??
What a treat these are to see! I wondered what you would do with the Marimkko embroideries - but gorgeous.
Britex - the fabric store par excellence - not far from the cable car near Union Square, as I remember, probably not very reliably, has to be on your list -- and Barnes and Noble - I could hardly walk onto the plane with my briefcase of books -- and I would have to visit Lacis in Berkeley.
Your latest piece is looking amazing - the colours peeping through work really really well. Enjoy your holiday and the break from stitching. I find it helps to just forget about it all for a week or more, and then inspiration and positivity hit when you realise how boring life is without your art!
Enjoy the well deserved holiday! I'm sure it's perked you up and I'm pleased that you're feeling more sparky.
Am interested to see where the new stuff is going. Keep us posted x
I just discovered your blog. I love your style, the colours you use and the layering. And I am always fond of French knots :-).
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