Yesterday afternoon I was in a class with 32 year seven children, (age 11) Someone came in from the office and handed me a pile of letters to give out to the children as a matter of high importance, essential they gave them to their parents. The letter said we had confirmed cases of Swine Flu in school but blaa blaa...in accordance with government guidlines blaa blaa we were staying open, no need to panic. Well I swear that within 30 minutes of reading that letter I was ill....I was ill all night, sore throat, headache, nausea, you name it I had it. This morning, bright as a button, fit as a flea. It just goes to show the effect of the power of suggestion when accompanied by an overactive imagination! I hope you are laughing, my family are in hysterics!
Have a great, Swine Flu free week. x
Thats it then! You probably had it and fought it off and are now immune so you can stop worrying.
It was endoftermitis...
Working in a chemist I have now had swine flu twice a week for a month, it's really not that bad!! x
Not allowed to be ill during holiday time, holiday time is for fun.
Enjoy your freedom
I have hundreds (literally!) of items to list on Etsy and Folksy that I'm sure will take me weeks to upload. It does take rather a long time doesn't it?
A raging case of Hypochondria. I come down with it all the time :-p
The power of suggestion is a funny thing. :-) Hope you have a great vacation and those of us in blog land will enjoy it because we get to see what you make. Love the tiny buttons with the french knots.
Take Care!
ahh the magic of the "power of suggestion" lol...glad you are well
: ) . Love all your new work, just beautiful! Exciting about Etsy.
You just stay out of reach of those swine and you'll be fine-it's the holidays! Darling little buttons. Keep meaning to try those.
Glad you only had the 24 hour version! ;)
Have a fab holiday and enjoy all the lovely, relaxing(?) things you have planned. If you require any medical advice you know where I am.
I know what you mean I had a headache, felt tired, sick and dizzy. The Dr said I had Wine flu.
I love the buttons and the collage, glad your off now but I am now working so dont gloat too much.
Hi karen! So nice to hear from you! I have looked at your beautiful blog and so much wonderful things you are doing - always! I hope you have/had a wonderful summer - with no swine flu!
Love your latest creations...enjoy a bit of free time!
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