So I have been rummaging, crawling under beds, scavangeing off the top of wardrobes etc etc. And this is what I was looking for...... I want to preserve my work, all my work, in book form starting with the very beginning, my design work from University. I have spent all day taking hundreds of photos and I am not exaggerating I mean hundreds. I got so confused changing my pictures to 72dpi for the blog then 300dpi for the book, back and forth back and forth, I thought my brain was going to explode. I lost goodness knows how many, copied tons of them by accident, my hard drive is going to object, stamp it's feet and go home soon I'm sure! Anyway this is a tiny selection of what I took today, depending on the feedback I get there are hundreds more where these came from. I will try and talk you through them,
the first two are from my very first week at university (2003), an exercise on examining the structure and weave of fabric in paint. Boy did this sketchbook page bring back memories.

The next two pictures are the same task approached in a totally different way, a more abstract freer piece of couching and machine embroidery.

And then a sketchbook page, collage and water colour. These images are photos of photos, my daughter has the original sketchbook but I think they have photographed quite well considerering. Again this is from 2003, a module called 'plant drawing'. In the second picture those round things are buttons.....yes I know it was plant drawing.......I call it artistic licence!!

Now for swaddling band one.....I promise I will show the finished piece in my next post. Here it is though after I had lined it with my silk section, ready to be put together properly, for seams and fastenings to be added.

more please !!!
there is an ooze of energy here karen. wow.
I think it's great to document all your work Karen.
It takes us on a journey, seeing how you have developed your work.
Also by blogging, it displays it all together as one big exhibition.
I can feel your excitement!
This is quite the undertaking.I would definitely love to see more and I don't mind reading detailed info if you want to explain more of the process, if not that's ok, the photos are very clear.
Thanks soo much.
Can't wait to see the fastenings you choose for the band.
I think a book would be fascinating. It's so interesting seeing the creative journey you have been on
As ever, I stand in awe of your talent. I would absolutely LOVE to take a fiber course. I think it would just open whole new areas to explore. I really thrived when I took fine arts classes and found that the daily classes and ordered exercises kept me in line and pushed me to create and continue to create. Now to do that with fabric...that would be heaven.
I encourage you to continue on in your endeavors. I find it all very interesting and I'm sure many others do also! Good luck with those #$@! pictures ^^
You amaze me every time!
I am blown away by the freedom of these images, The blooming branch particularly appeals to me. I would love to see more of this, although I do find your level of accomplishment almost itimidating!
It is all amazing Karen - so yes please... more! It's a lovely idea to preserve it all together.
Definitely a good idea to put it all together! You must have had a good light day, the pictures are amazing and so is your work.
As always your enthusiasm is infectious! It sounds like yo've been having fun. Will check out the pictures.
Lookig at your uni work is great. Is this what I have to look forward to?!
Your images are clear as well as inspiring and I take my hat off to your energy levels in getting this much done already.Great stuff Karen. More!
More baby, more!
Bring it on, I could eat it up... fantastically intriguing!
OOh i'm impressed, and now wanting to do something similar with all my old sketchbooks- but I must get things done first and not get distracted into scanning things and making books. I'm looking forward to seeing how the finished book turns out.
This is exciting Karen... I love the collage (I love it all, but that one especially)!!! Please share more with us.
More please, these are so beautiful! I love looking at them and would love to see others.
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