For centuries women have used cloth as a tool of comfort and as an expression of beauty within their homes. Creating cloth for warmth, cloth for shelter, our female predecessors embellished these linens with hand stitch using laborious and time consuming techniques thereby enhancing the functional beauty of objects which enveloped and protected their families. Inspired by these women I hope my creations pay tribute to and recognise the devotion expressed in cloth by our female ancestors .
''the use of traditional often time consuming process alludes to the devotion of a mother''. c K. A. Ruane 2007
thanks to Karen and Kaijja for my lovely pressies. I loved the words and it was as if some of these words were written with me in mind, such as poplars and the first migratory birds, they always look so special when I spot them. Thankyou. Now I will have to find something equally special for karens birthday. Oh and i love the little card and will find a little frame for it or find somewhere special for it. Going shopping now.
Jill, I have to be anonymous as I don't know what these other boxes want from me.
Thank you Karen and thank you Jill! I've now had my fair share of kind words for today :)
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