Yesterday things were looking up. I drove 70 miles down the motorway to watch these amazing young people perform. They were truly fantastic and I had such a good time.

This morning I treated my husband to one of these state of the art pieces of technology below. He works very hard and I don't begrudge him the zillions of pounds it costs, but I do begrudge the pc that won't accept new hardware, that crashes if you say hello to it and acts like adding new programmes is akin to self harm! As a consequence of this I spent 4..yes FOUR (I kid you not) hours on the phone to Apple support. Thankyou to the lovely lady in Athens and the nice gent in the north east of England for all your help. We are now up and running and I now know that Apple have three support centres for the U.K. One in Athens, one in Ireland and one in the North of England, apparently it is pot luck who answers your call first, thank goodness I was only charged at local rate.

So this evening I intend to retrieve that sanity which I lost in bucketfulls today. For a while now I have been toying with the idea of making broaches for the shop. I have bought these large buttons to play with putting broaches together and tonight I am going to sit back, relax and embroider covers for them.

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