Now back to that treasure I found, right at the back under the bed, a sketchbook I had forgotten about. When I use the word sketchbook I use it VERY loosely. Most of my sketchbooks never saw a pencil or paint brush only stitching. This one was for a project (Uni 2004 approx) about altering surfaces. The first two pics are hessian with a little weaving and a lot of machine stitching with a tailor tacking foot.

Below....same sketchbook, different plan. I had totally forgotten about this and am so happy to have found it. It makes me wonder again about how we choose a certain path and what would happen if we'd had a different thought that day. What would this little sample have become if I had taken it further??? I wish I had the time to find out, maybe one day. Pins on paper....
Discovering forgotten treasures is always fun. The blue book is lovely.
I remember, when I was younger, I used to love pins in paper...marching across the page. I had several sheets of them. I dont remember where I got them from. I also remember one bored day spent playing with my then MIL's pincushion. She had many an odd assortment of pins on this huge rectangle of a cushion. I made pattern after pattern all around the edges and wrote in the middle, doing it all with the pin heads. I saw that same cushion years later...it was still just as I had left it...
What a treasure to find, the hessian looks really interesting. I found a sketch book the other day. I can't remember two of the sketches I put in there, but I do know I have more idea how to stitch them now than I did then
Beutiful little book and so fun to read about your chaos ;-)
I found a scrapbook here that I beginn with for over 10 years ago, very beautiful, with fabricscover and beautiful images in that I haved glued and I does this book for inspiration for my self. And I had forgotten it ??! And I still think it´s good ! So now I will continue with it, this is many pages left to do.
I love your book - and your chaos, which is far more interesting than mine!
Chaos is good when it helps you find treasures!
I immediately recognized the little blue book to be made by my amazing daughter.
Isn't it great to find your old sketches and see that you have talent?
You're the sweetest.
Isn't it wonderful when you find long forgetten things.Best wishes through all your chaos. I'm trying to reorganise/tidy/clean my sewing room today but I'm making slow progress.
It's me back again. I have given you an award, with no obligations. You can come and get it from my blog.
Did you ever see 'Dancer in the Dark' ?
Bjork played a character who worked at home putting pins onto their paper cards for selling!
Lovely post. Hope the room is coming on.
That is one cool "sketchbook"! I would love to see more! (And your chaos looks beautiful!)
The little blue book is perfect...what a gorgeous colour.
Loving your "sketchbooks" and I hate to tell you my table looks like that most of the time this past week...too hot to work anywhere else in the house in this heatwave!
Such a wonderful little blue button book!
Karen you've been tagged to reveal the sixth photograph in your sixth folder. I hope you'll play along the rules are on my blog.
Thank-you for the response on swaddling cloths I read about them, very interesting
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